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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lows of travel Pt.1

Travel at times is romanticized, and people write a fair amount of articles, books, songs, poems all expressing their love for travel, and the wonders it can do for you and for the most part when you hear the word travel more likely than not you're going to be confronted with positive associations. This being said I think it is important to note that traveling isn't as always as glamorous as people make it out to be, and at times the biggest mistake any person can do especially if they're new to traveling is to have high expectations from the trips.It is the responsibility of those who write about travel to especially point out the lows of travel. What problems people are most likely to encounter? How to go about solving such problems? The dangers of travel, and ways of ensuring a safe trip.

The most common problem people will have as they travel will be the initial illness that takes place. This is the case with most international travel, but also domestic trips as well. If you are not use to changing locations and time zones at quite a fast pace then the sudden change in environment, climate, and atmosphere can lead to illness. Usually the common cold, to a mild flu, to the worse case scenario stomach problems caused by the introduction of new food into your daily diet.  Illness comes swift and will leave just as fast as it came, but while you are ill for the next day it will feel as if  your world has come to an end. Being miserable on a trip is horrible, but usually people who get sick from traveling or trips  can also risk illness on their return home, The body is in shock, and needs time to rest. If you were on a very ambitious trip in which case you didn't get much sleep most likely than not you will be sick on your return home.

Solution: travel with over the counter medicines, and have a day reserved for rest while on your trip, also on the return home you must have a day of rest and decompression and time to allow yourself to reflect on the trip itself. Failure to do so is not good for the body or soul

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